Monday, October 18, 2010

Products, products, products..

Okay so something i really wanted to do with this blog was dedicate a large portion of it to products, services, and tips. I plan to do a couple more explanatory posts focused on certain areas such as beauty, style, and lifestyle, but for today i'm just going to rant a little about a couple things i love/ hate at the moment.

1. Nail Envy Strengthener
A MUST.. and to put icing on the cake, it's reeeeally cheap, and available at any beauty supply store. Works wonders as far as strengthening your brittle/peeling nails (or at least mine, which are super weak since i got fake ones at a salon five months ago). Two coats (which dry in under five minutes) and they're sealed, i've only had to reapply once in the last two weeks. No chips, and shiny long, strong nails, i'd say for $1.99 it was an excellent purchase.

2. Biore Foaming Cleanser
Definatly one of my favourite cleansers of all time. I'd have to give it a four and a half out of five because when it comes to a having a clean face i'm pretty fanatic. This cleanser does what the others promise by eliminating all oil from your skin, while leaving no gross film behind on your face. Generally i use it in the shower (to avoid getting water on my counter) and i works wonders, i didn't even know what "squeaky clean," meant until i used this stuff. It's available at Zellers for $7.99 (i got it for free though from my dad's girlfriend lol), comes in a green bottle.

3. 'Barbie' By Cake: Hair and Body Mist
 Okay, so i really have to vouch for this whole brand, not just the body mist! I LOVE the smell of this stuff, it's not overpowering, but at the same it doesn’t fade ten minutes after you spray it. The smell is fantastic, reminds me of lemon cake/ cooking/ or vanilla cupcakes. I've had so many compliments thanks to the smell, even people coming up to me in stores asking what it is and where they can get some. The 'cake' brand also makes solid perfumes, lip butter, candles, and a lot more all with this intoxicating scent. The best part is that it's been about two years and i haven’t gotten tired of it yet. Available at Sephora for $20 (I had the luck of getting mine on sale for $10 though), or you can also purchase it occasionally at Winners for a discounted price (LOVE Winners).

4. 'Macadamia' Healing Hair Oil Treatment
 So if you read my last entry, you've head about all of the damage i've put my hair through and the horrible shape it's been in. Well if you're dealing with anything remotely similar, i would hands down tell you to look into this product. To be used in hair when it's dry or damp, the oil smells AMAZING, and doesn’t really act like you would expect an oil treatment to. Apply 1 squirt into your hair after you've washed it, working it in evenly. It will get absorbed fully into the strands, leaving your hair soft, moisturized (but NOT oily), shiny, and healthy while protecting your hair from styling damage (heat, etc.) and repairing the cuticle. It was recommended to me by my stylist for my intense damage, but upon entering the store to buy some, i had a thirty minute conversation with another woman who was looking into the same product. It's a form of Moroccan oil, only this brand is all natural ingredients (they also sell cheaper versions of this that aren't all natural, but are just as good!). I purchased it for a steep $40 (with tax) at Trade Secrets, they also had a deal on at the time though for this product, plus the repairing shampoo, and hair mask (which i also recommend) by the same brand for $50 (plus tax).

5. Mac Loose Pigments  
One of the better products i can tell you about makeup-wise. I have a ton of loose pigment colours, i prefer them to eye shadow cakes (at least from Mac), mostly due to the pigmentation. The colours are a lot more present than they can be when you buy the shadow cakes because it's a powder. Though some of the darker shades don't transfer the best, i like the use all of these pigments wet, for the sake of control rate (very low when working with a powder), and colour. Really, the colours are fantastic! Another thing i'd like to point out is that you're really getting a lot for your money, the container is about an inch and a half tall, and costs about $19.50 plus tax. Fortunately though, you can take home samples which i've been able to stretch to last for a month or so. Also, if you don't have a Mac right in your area, local department stores usually have a Mac counter where you can purchase a lot of their products.

Don't Bother With...
 1. Proactice Acne Solution
Okay, so i'm pretty sure we've all seen those Proactive ads on t.v. with notable faces such as Katy Perry talking about how much they 'loooooooove proactive'. Unfortunately, having been using proactive for the past three years or so, i'm here to tell you to save your money. It's not that it's a bad product, it's just.. well it doesn’t really do a lot to prevent constant breakouts. And for the minor results that are seen, you have to really work your butt off to get them. Application of the three steps twice a day, the mask at night (which never fully washes off, and has never helped me see a difference!), as well as the problems i, as well as countless others i've talked to with the re-order system. In the end you're out the $60, as well your skin gets worse after you stop using the product because your skin has become adapted to it, not to mention the fact that they send you a new shipment way before you need it.

2. Pencil Eyeliners
Alright, so i don't care what the brand is, where you got them, or what colour they are! Pencil liners are one of the worst inventions of all time. Sure, if you're in a real fix, and they're all you have they can be made to work, but the amount of effort you're going to need to put in just to get your desired effect just seems unnecessary. They smudge, people try and borrow them, you need a sharpener to use them, as well as a powder to set them, and you never know how strong the colour is or the durability of the colour until you buy them. So many times people ask me to fix their eyeliner and hand me a pencil, it just makes me want to stab them with it! Pencils have less control then a brush (which you're still going to need to fix the line from the pencil) and are infinitely more messy (can't stress that enough). So save yourself, go buy a pot of clay liner if you must line your bottom lash-line, or better yet liquid liner.

3. BAD Clip in Colour Extensions
Let me start by saying that having short hair from time to time i do add extensions to make my hair longer, or even change up the colour from time to time. That being said though, i make all of my extensions myself, and buy almost human hair that does not have that plastic barbie shine to it. I cut the hair so that it doesn’t have a blunt cut end, and i place it so that it blends into my hair properly. I'm soo tired of seeing girls walking around with pieces that do not fit with their tresses, be it the length, cut, or material. A good rule of thumb for extensions is if the piece looks like it can be plucked right out of your head, you shouldn't be wearing it. Another tip is to NOT go out to your local Hot Topic (yay it's finally in Canada) and buy a teal streak of straight hair with a blunt cut edge and clip it to the top of your layer cut, curly ginger hair (sorry if that was you i saw on the bus the other day, but it really annoyed me).

4. Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo
My last hate this week is Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo, available at most hair stores and Sally's Beauty Supply Store. When i first started using purple shampoo, this was the easiest brand to attain, and though it was about $16 for a medium sized bottle, i figured it would do exactly what it was supposed to do, get the yellow/ brassy colour out of my hair (hence why i didn't quite care about the price). Unfortunately after using it for the second time while washing my hair, i started to get a purple/blue stain forming on the lighter parts of my hair that was decently noticeable even after my hair dried. It took a week of no purple shampoo to get out, which was annoying, as well the smell is a little too sterile for my personal preferences (smells like hospital).
As an alternative I'd suggest 'Daddy-o' from Lush, it's another purple shampoo that is made from all natural ingredients (which isn't really a priority for me, but it helps prevent the colour change). Daddy-o smells amazing, and is available at Lush for $17.95 (plus tax) for 250mL or $27.95 for 500mL (I get free bottles off of my sister for cheaper though, employee discount.), which though a bit pricey, i think is worth it.

Okay, so that's all for now, i have a ton of other things that i want to review though, so check back soon for more! Next blog is going to be all about White hair, how to get it, how to treat it- tricks and tips, etc.

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