Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"I am so not down."

You're going to have to excuse me this one time because this is going to be more of a rant then I would have liked it to be. Let me start off by saying that I really do encourage making your personal style your own, and rocking it to the best of your abilities. Everyone has things they like, things they don't, and things they would never dream of attempting (clothing-wise). We all make mistakes, and we all try new things (I hope?) from time to time to test the waters and see where our comfort level is. So the point I'm hoping to convey is however you choose to express yourself externally is entirely your decision, the mantra I find works best for me is "stay true to yourself".
That being said, (commence rant in 3,2,1..) I am so tired of going on sites like Lookbook just to discover the MOST cliche ideas of fashion I can find! Now this isn't meant to offend you lookbook users out there, some of my best friends have accounts (myself included) where they post regularly. I'm just getting to the point where the nicest thing I can say is "That's a cool background," or "Great camera angle."
Lookbook seems to consist only of lanky nineteen to twenty-somethings in either thrift store clothing, or rejects from Adam Lambert or Lady Gaga's tour wardrobes (sometimes a combination of all three, bleh!).
Now I'm not saying any of those options are negative, I'm sure a lot of people put tons of time and effort into getting those outfits together.
Where has all the diversity gone?? When I look around on the streets I'm hit with people telling me that they're eclectic and original, even though I can see another person wearing the same grungy denim button down circa 1978, belted, with knitted thing-high socks, standing to their left. I'm not saying it's bad fashion, and I'm trying to call anyone out for wearing specific things, I'm just asking for a little integrity. Going into a store, whatever style, brand, niche they cater to, and buying an entire outfit off of a mannequin is so dull.
Sure I have a lot of style influences, lord knows I would never try and call myself 'unique', but i find solace in the fact that despite seeing someone wearing an outfit that I love, I wouldn't go out and copy it.
My ending note is that I'm sorry if this offended you, but it's my honest opinion. I don't like people trying to present themselves in a light that is not of them, if you enjoy dressing a certain way this shouldn't change that. But if you are aiming for a label and your clothing becomes more of a costume of someone else than an expression of yourself, i hope this has given you something to think about. Just dress for yourself because at the end of the day, you're the one who has to wear it.


Jo Vivienne Grey said...

Hey, so I swear this isn't the only one I read. I especially like the "Loving.../Don't bother with" entry at the beginning and the hair post was EXCELLENT.

I want to see tutorials for sure though and I'll be following so no tomfoolery here!

Elizabeth. said...

I've given up on trying to be original. If everyone is trying to be original then there is no originality. I stopped caring and I just wear whatever feels comfy. My mom says I look like a homeless man.

I agree with Jo though, your tutorials and tips are the best. D: But I think diversity in a blog is good too. :3

taylordurden said...

lol ph garsh. Yeah I don't know why I got so annoyed, I just did. And this blog didn't exactly turn ut the way it was supposed to, but whatever trial and error. I need to go off topic less:/

Thanks for reading though n___n

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on LB. Hence why I rarely bother with most users, as my favorites are Zeruda and Kaja Is.

[btw you should totally add Keiva Zzz]